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Thomas - Junior Player






​Not classified

What is your role at the club?

Junior Player


Why do you like wheelchair basketball? And why did you start playing the sport?

I liked what was happening at wheelchair basketball


Why did you decide to join Cheshire Phoenix Wheelchair basketball club/ Angels?

Because I was playing with a friend in running basketball


Do you go to college or university and if so, what do you or did you study?

School English maths business enterprise ICT​


Tell me one fact about yourself

I help out at scouts and cubs



Let's have some fun


Favourite type of music?



Quick fire questions
Which one is your favourite?

Tea     or   Coffee

Sweet   or   Savoury

Coke   ✓ or  Diet Coke

Summer or Winter

Do you play with a sibling or parent at the club?



What are your hobbies?

Going to air cadets and helping out at scouts and cubs


What is your dream job?

Do not know yet


What is your favourite colour?



What is your favourite film?

Star Wars


How many times can you bounce a ball in a row?

Maybe 4 or 5 times

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